This Work

“If you let it, this work will change you.”

Rearrange who? 


We’ll see about that!



How I feel?

How I breath?

Shed this skin

That once held me 

so dearly?




Skin grows steel while

Love deepens and dwells,

Maybe yesterday’s struggle

Becomes todays magic spell.


“If you let it, this work will change you.”

This work… 

This most demanding inspiration, 

Responding to the urgent while always being patient, 

Committing to another future no matter how nascent, 

Being here - right here, now - in this theory of action, 

A praxis of purpose and people who don’t think much of backing down…

The towns cry is too clear, the cities need too loud,

too many communities still under the clouds, 

cloaked by the shrouds that still hang in halls,

the 21 lives - we just felt fall,

the four hundred years that still come to call,

the legacies unfolding… demanding our all.


“If you let it, this work will change you.”

Yes, you.

Stay on the path until you rearrange dude.

You think you came the way you’re supposed to leave?

Then why be here? Why love? Why grieve?

Why give away your heart just to retrieve it daily?

This is how hearts grow, of course,

the alchemy of staying the course,

Yesterday, tomorrow, and long after.

Until every home is filled with… laughter,

and cradles that teach pre-cal,

and careers that shine so bright,

their work can grow them too.

“If you let it, this work WILL change you.”